(SR5) Current E-mount APS-C lenses will work in two modes on the A7 and A7r!
A source just told me something very interesting. The current APS-C E-mount lenses like for example the Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 will work in two modes on the Full Frame E-mount A7 and A7r cameras:
1) Crop mode: It means you can use the lens like it would be attached on a NEX-5-6-7
2) Full Frame mode: It means you can use the lens with Full…Full Frame activated. I have been told some lenses will have a cool heavy vignetting effect and some lenses will also cover almost the full FF area. it could be useful if you want to use a larger than APS-C area (4/3 mode or so).
いくつかのAPS-C用Eマウントレンズ(=not FEレンズ)はライカ判のNEX(α7、α7r)で実焦点距離で使えると言う噂がSR5で出ています。
例えば「E 24mm F1.8 ZA」
- ケラレないか?
- 周辺光量落ちは?
- 周辺部の歪曲は?
追記:「E 24mm F1.8 ZA」はケラレて使えない事が判明しました